window cut out

Winow Cut Out

Client needed a new window. We chose a place, check plans of the building, cut out the slot and installed a new window. That’s simple, isn’t it?

Benefits of Natural Light

  • Our organism needs light at the right intensity and at the right time of day to act as cues for our internal body clock.
  • Light in the morning helps us wake up.
  • Light is critical for our health. Ensuring that we receive adequate light levels at the appropriate time of day benefits our attitude, mood, productivity and sleep patterns.
Egress window installation

Egress Windows Installation

Client’s basement apartments  needed windows! We installed 3 of them. Do not wait, ask us for a FREE ESTIMATE.

Basement windows

Basement apartments are often very dark. Also the fresh air is important. Think about it before you buy a house or you want to rent such apartment and get some extra money.

Window cut out - after

Window Cut Out

Client needed a new window. We chose a place, check plans of the building, cut out the slot and installed a new window. That’s simple, isn’t it?

Benefits of Natural Light

  • Our organism needs light at the right intensity and at the right time of day to act as cues for our internal body clock.
  • Light in the morning helps us wake up.
  • Light is critical for our health. Ensuring that we receive adequate light levels at the appropriate time of day benefits our attitude, mood, productivity and sleep patterns.