Tuck pointing - after

Tuck Pointing

We repaired some tuck pointing and cracks in the mortar.


Please do not wait until the mortar is completely damaged and full of cracks. When your wall has more cracks, it keeps more water and can easily be destroyed during the winter season.

Brick Facing

Brick Facing

It is always nice to have a job done! Brick facing under a terrace.

Brick / Natural Stone

This time the investor decided bricks. But we are able to do different types of facing. The choice is your.


Foundation and brick repair - after

Foundation and Brick Repair

The frost from the downpipe caused this damage. Bricks and foundation were repared.

Reasons of frost damages

  •  Poor care of down pipes
  • Poor care of guttering
  • Poor care of your bricks pointing

And many others. Please call us for the FREE expertise before it happens.

Pillars replacement

Pillars Replacement

Wooden pillars were replaced. Rot and mould attacked them and the only solution was to replace them both.


Always take care about wooden elements of your house. Regular inspections, coats of paints can help. But if you see that it’s getting worse – please call us. We can replace pillars, wooden walls etc using bricks or concrete – more relevant material for our Canadian weather.

Window cut out - after

Window Cut Out

Client needed a new window. We chose a place, check plans of the building, cut out the slot and installed a new window. That’s simple, isn’t it?

Benefits of Natural Light

  • Our organism needs light at the right intensity and at the right time of day to act as cues for our internal body clock.
  • Light in the morning helps us wake up.
  • Light is critical for our health. Ensuring that we receive adequate light levels at the appropriate time of day benefits our attitude, mood, productivity and sleep patterns.