Winter is coming and with it snow and colder weather!
Winter is coming and with it snow and colder weather!
What is an Ice Dam?
Ice dams are formed by continual thawing and refreezing of melting snow. Large masses of ice develop as snow on the upper part of the roof melts. The water runs under the snow and refreezes at the edge of the roof. Additional snow melts and forms pools against the dam gradually causing water to back up the roof often getting under the shingles and eventually leaking into the house.
What causes Ice Dams?
How to prevent Ice Dams?
The goal is to keep the entire roof the same temperature as the eaves. You do that by increasing ventilation, adding insulation, and sealing off every possible air leak that might warm the underside of the roof.
Northern Building Services can help out (just call 905-717-0334). We can: